School Policies
School Attendance Policy
Any student absent 3 or more unexcused days, with 3 tardies equaling 1 day, will be terminated. A tardy takes place when a student is 5 minutes late. More than two hours will be an unexcused absence. (When excess absences are excused, each student may re-enroll in a future class session to finish the course). Excused absences via Dr notes and prior approval from OSHS.
Make-Up Work Policy
ALL MISSED WORK MUST BE MADE UP!! Students will make up missed work within one week of the due date of the assignment. Students will get with the instructors to come up with their specific date for make-up work. The instructors will be available to oversee the assignments/testing. Any Student who does not make up work or is in excess of the allowed days missed and those days are not excused will be terminated from the course. These students will not be allowed to re-enroll or return to the course.
Termination Policy
Other Causes for termination include excessive abuse of OSHS Policies including, but not limited to insubordination, alcohol or drug use, destruction of property, and/or serious misconduct.
OSHS will NOT restart a student that is terminated for any of these reasons. (This does not apply to students using VA Benefits.)
Probation Policy
Students will be placed on probation if their average drops below a 75% average. These students will be evaluated at the end of the first two weeks and weekly from that point forward. Students with a grade of below 75% for more than three weeks in a row with be dismissed from the program with no re-entry.
Withdrawal Policy
If a student makes the personal decision to withdraw training at OSHS, he/she will need to notify Director or Owner in writing immediately. Upon written notification of withdrawal, the Director will calculate the days attended and refund any monies due to student within 30 days
Readmission Policy for VA Beneficiaries, Veterans & Service Members
Any Veteran, service member or student attending class on VA Benefits can interrupt or suspend training due to military service obligations. Students will be readmitted at our first available start date that the student is available for.
Leave of Absence (LOA) & Re-entry Policy
If a student has to leave due to personal, medical, or financial reasons and wants to return in a future class session to finish the course a re-entry is taken in place. The school will provide a re-entry form to the student to sign at their own discretion. The document will be placed in the students file to be retained the day they return to class. All re-entries must take place with-in one year of the LOA and are subject to class availability
Complaint Policy
All Complaints should be brought to the attention of the Director. Complaints and appeals should be well documented in writing and submitted to the Director prior to appealing to any off-campus authority. Should OSHS not be able to resolve a student complaint, the student has the right to contact agencies and authorities outside the school. Complaints can be filed with the following agencies:
LICENSED BY: Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools
3700 N Classen Blvd #250
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Approved by Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs State Approving Agency
Student Conduct Policy
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times. Students are not allowed to have alcohol or drugs on the premises at any time. There is ZERO-TOLERANCE. Male and female students are not allowed in the same sleeping quarters at any time. Visitors are not allowed in the dormitory facilities unless first authorized by school officials. Any student causing damage to school or personal property will be held liable. Excessive abuse of OSHS policies including insubordination, serious misconduct, or use of alcohol or drugs, will be terminated and dismissed from school property immediately.
Policy for Protection Against Copyright Infringement
OSHS and all of its employees shall abide by all Copyright laws concerning all textbooks, videos and any other instructional material used here at the school. This policy is posted in the classroom.
Special Accommodations
If a student has a special need or disability the student will need to contact our office and discuss their needs with the Head Instructor or Office Manager of the school. A school official will address this to the instructors and special accommodations will take place to meet the student’s needs.
Grading Policy
Students are graded on a 100% grading scale:
A minimum passing grade of 75% is required on all examinations and assignments. A student scoring below this level will be tutored to help attain a passing grade. Any student falling below that percentage for two weeks in a row will be put on probation. After the third week, the student will be dismissed from the program.
OSHS Cancellation & Refund Policy
The Refund Policy applies to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, expulsion, course or program cancellation, or School closure.
Three-day Cancellation: All tuition monies paid by an applicant will be refunded if requested within three days after signing an enrollment agreement and making an initial payment, but not attending a day of class. The $150.00 enrollment fee is non-refundable.
The termination date for refund computation purposes shall be the last date of classroom attendance by the student. The school requires notice of cancellation or withdrawal to be given to the school in writing. A penalty will be charged for failure to notify school in writing, this penalty will not exceed $25.00.
Any applicant rejected by the school (not accepted for enrollment) or whose class is discontinued shall be refunded all tuition and enrollment fee paid.
Any student enrolled in the 6-week course that requests termination of enrollment shall be refunded as follows: Any student requesting termination of enrollment within the first week of study shall be refunded all monies paid minus 10% of the contract price of the course plus the $150.00 enrollment fee (not to exceed $350.00). Any student requesting termination of enrollment after the first week but within the first 25% (9 Days) of the course shall be refunded all monies paid minus 25% of the cost of the course plus the $150.00 enrollment fee.
Any student requesting termination of enrollment after the first 25% (10 days) of the course but within the first 50% (18 days) of the course shall be refunded all monies paid minus 50% of the cost of the course plus the $150.00 enrollment fee. Any student requesting termination of enrollment after more than the first 50% of the course shall not be entitled to any refund. (This does not apply to students using VA Benefits)
Any student using Veteran’s Benefits and requesting termination of enrollment shall be refunded on a pro rata basis according to the amount of time he/she has been enrolled in school and the last day of class attended. VA students may terminate at any time for any reason.
In the case of prolonged illness or accident, death in the immediate family or other circumstances which make it impractical for the student to complete the program, the school shall make a settlement which is fair and reasonable to both parties.
Any refund due the applicant (including after dismissal) shall be made within 30 days of cancellation, termination or dismissal.
Books and tools received by the student are non-refundable.
Any holder of this consumer credit contract is subject to all claims and defenses which the debtor could assert against the seller of goods and services obtained pursuant or with the proceeds hereof. Recovery shall not exceed the amounts paid by the debtor.